Slope Clean-Up: Every Gram Matters

  24.05.2024 Local News, Charity & Support, OUTDOOR - HIKING - BIKING, Carbon Footprint

CleanUp Day Event Reports

Hiking, collecting trash, chatting, and contributing to a cleaner environment—all in a day's work.

The Simme-Saane Climate Group and the Destination Gstaad Cable Car Company teamed up for their third annual effort to clean the region's ski slopes. On May 11th, under beautiful spring skies, Simme-Saane Climate Group members, Destination Gstaad cable car employees, and external volunteers gathered at the Saanersloch valley station for this year's slope clean-up. Armed with rubbish bags and gloves, the enthusiastic group ascended to the middle station to begin their task on the freshly snow-cleared slopes. It didn’t take long to start finding waste, including cigarette butts, snus, packaging, and aluminium foil. A team of eight thoroughly searched the areas under the lifts and around the stations, identified as litter hotspots. This clean-up effort also provided a great opportunity for participants to connect and discuss various topics.

The presence of numerous crocuses tempted many to pause and take photos, yet the sight of so much litter amidst this picturesque landscape was a stark reminder of the need to protect our natural surroundings. The event underscored the importance of proper waste disposal: every piece of plastic, no matter how small, contributes to microplastic pollution through weathering. Additionally, toxic substances from cigarette butts and paints contaminate soil and groundwater. These realities highlight the critical importance of disposing of waste responsibly.

After three hours of dedicated work, the group returned to the valley station for lunch provided by Destination Gstaad cable cars. They collected a total of 18 kilograms of waste, including broken piste marker posts and a sledge. The day's haul also featured some unexpected finds, such as two e-cigarette devices and a number plate. The youngest participant was delighted to receive the 8.50 francs discovered among the litter.

The Simme-Saane Climate Group thanks Destination Gstaad cable cars, participants, and volunteers for their commitment to a cleaner environment. Every contribution makes a difference, and we have taken a significant step towards protecting our natural world.


66 Kilos of Waste were removed on Gstaad Clean-up Day at the Horneggli

The following Sunday, 12 May, 65 volunteers gathered for the third Summit Foundation Clean-up Day in Gstaad. Organized by Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus and Bergbahnen Destination Gstaad AG, the event saw the removal of 66.3 kilos of waste, making a significant environmental impact.

The Summit Foundation collaborates with Swiss ski resorts to clean up waste left after the snow melts. According to Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus, littering harms nature and wildlife, prompting the clean-up at Horneggli valley station in Schönried. Teams worked until afternoon, collecting cigarette butts, snus bags, chewing gum, yoghurt pots, hangers, coins, an old bank card, bottles, ski poles, and gloves.

Volunteers included locals and visitors from Bern-Thun and Lausanne. Patrick Bauer, Head of Destination Development & Sustainability, praised the diverse group for their efforts, noting the involvement of local families and young ski racers. This initiative promotes environmental awareness and community spirit.

After sorting the collected waste, volunteers enjoyed sandwiches, nut croissants, and drinks. Patrick Bauer thanked everyone for their dedication on behalf of Gstaad Saanenland Tourismus and the Summit Foundation.

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