Expat adventures

  31.12.2024 Expat Adventure

At 2am on 1 January a few years ago, I found myself watching a couple of people get involved in a classic New Year’s Eve stand-off over who should get the solitary taxi which had just drawn up at the Gstaad Palace Hotel. They both opened a door and got into the car.

To our amusement (and the driver’s confusion), the taxi drove around the porch island outside the hotel a couple of times before it was agreed who would actually take the taxi home. I don’t remember who triumphed that evening, but it served as a perfect example that New Year’s Eve can be a chaotic mix of laughter, confusion, and some pretty ridiculous situations.

Sober = Fun At New Year?
I no longer worry about securing a taxi on New Year’s Eve because I know I won’t be drinking. This took a few years, but my journey from shivering in the huge taxi queue through “u h- oh-w i l l-it-be -a ny-f u n-to -notdrink?” to knowing with 100 % certainty that being sober on New Year’s Eve is an absolute hoot, is complete.

So, if you’re planning to welcome 2025 without a drink in hand or would like to give it a go, here are some suggestions.

Set Your Own Expectations
The most important thing is to go towards what you want, rather than think everything will feel diminished without a drink. Remove the pressure from drinking being the main focus by considering all the other ways you’ll enjoy yourself: actually listening to people; dancing without falling over; the vastly reduced bar bill.

Whether you’re at a large party or an intimate gathering, spend some time considering the evening and any obstacles you might face. Expect people to be curious about why you’re not drinking. You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone, but I found it helpful to have a response handy (“I prefer not to”) for the inevitable questions.

Alcohol Free Doesn’t Mean Boring
Gone are the days when your only alcohol-free option was a glass of water with a lemon wedge or a warm orange juice. Now, you can pick from a wide range of alcohol-free alternatives that look just as festive as the real deal. All the local hotels have fantastic bar managers who preside over a growing list of alcohol-free drinks and in my experience are more than happy to whip up a mocktail to suit any taste.

Make a Plan for Midnight
Midnight on New Year’s Eve can feel a bit surreal if everyone around you is clutching a glass of champagne and declaring undying love to total strangers. But welcoming in the New Year with a flute of sparkling mineral water is no big deal as long as you aren’t thinking “this would so much better with champagne.” So plan something meaningful for yourself when the countdown hits zero – such as taking a moment to consider the year ahead. Show yourself that New Year’s Eve is so much more than thinking about what’s in your glass.

The Morning Memories
Finally, let’s not forget the great advantage of being the one with a clear head. While everyone else will be hazy on the details in the morning, you’ll be able to recap everything that happened the night before. Which means you can re-live the fun all over again. Or remind others of what they’d rather forget!

So, as New Year’s Day rolls around and you’re smugly watching that inevitable midnight taxi fiasco from the warmth of your car, give yourself a pat on the back. Here’s to ringing in the New Year with a clear head – and a treasure trove of stories.


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