A little help goes a long way

  01.11.2022 Local News

Receiving your first-ever Christmas parcel

Last year, 124,800 children and adults in need received a Christmas parcel from Switzerland. For many of them, it was the first Christmas parcel they had ever received in their lives - and their joy was of course, unimaginably great.

The war in Ukraine has understandably thrown many people into poverty, and a Christmas parcel gives courage as well a sign of sympathy and appreciation. Food, sweets, personal hygiene products, school supplies and toys bring hope and help.


Joint commitment for the people in need

Four Christian relief organisations jointly organise the collection, transport and distribution of the Christmas parcels. This year, the priority is Ukraine. Other recipient countries are Moldova, Romania, Belarus, Albania, Bulgaria and Kosovo. Local partners distribute the Christmas parcels to refugees, children in need, impoverished families, single parents, retired people, and people with disabilities or illness.


Standardised parcels for children and adults

You can find details on www.weihnachtspäckli.ch and the content lists for either a package for children or adults. Parcels for adults contain mainly food and hygiene articles, and those for children school material, hygiene articles, toys and sweets. Please follow the list precisely! By packing exactly according to the list, the parcels can be imported to their destination countries (without customs hassle) and distributed fairly.


Thankful for all the help

Bring your pre-packed Christmas parcels to the stand in front of the Coop Gstaad or to the EGW Association House, Gstaader strasse 115, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on 5 November. You can find more information at www. weihnachtspäckli.ch. We are grateful for your help and look forward to many fine and warm things. Thank you for helping to bring Christmas joy to the world.


Based on AvS | KIRCHEN SAANENLAND, contact person: Marlies von Siebenthal, tel. 033 744 37 43

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