Sunny and extremely dry March

  01.04.2022 Local News

March 2022 brought a lot of sunshine and extremely little precipitation in Switzerland. The northern side of the Alps had 24 sunny days, the southern side 19. Until shortly before the end of the month, there was one single day of widespread precipitation. Regionally, it was one of the sunniest March months and one of the months with the least precipitation since measurements began.

In March 2022, sunny high-pressure weather dominated in Switzerland. The days from 1 to 10 March were sunny across the board. There was also plenty of sunshine in many areas from 11 to 14 March. However, the southern side of the Alps disappeared under a cover of clouds from a humid south to southwestern current.

Continuing low precipitation
Until 29 March, the precipitation totals reached less than 10% of the average March amount (norm 1991-2020). Large areas even received less than 5% of the norm.

Slightly more precipitation fell in areas of western Switzerland and in the Valais, with 10 to 20% of the norm by 29 March. This was particularly the case at Lake Geneva, Lake Neuchâtel and in the Valais regions of Sion, Montana and Lötschental.

Based on AvS/Meteo Switzerland

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