Implementation of Covid certificate
21.05.2021 Local NewsAt the media conference on 19 May, the Federal Council explained which offers will be accessible with and without the Covid certificate. They defined three areas: green, orange and red.
Green area: accessible to all
All places of daily life and contacts with the authorities are publicly accessible at all times and without a Covid certificate. These are, for example, public transport, shops, the workplace, schools or private and religious events.
Orange area: only if the situation deteriorates
The use of the certificate in the orange zone is only envisaged if the epidemiological situation deteriorates and threatens to overburden the health system. The authorities hope to avoid the closure of facilities.
The orange area includes places like bars, restaurants, events, sports and entertainment establishments, sports and cultural clubs or visits to hospitals and homes.
Red area: certificate required
In the red area, the certificate enables the opening of the offer. This includes large events or night clubs, which are allowed to open if they only grant access to people with a certificate. It is likely that many countries will require a certificate upon entry.
Implementation of the certificate
On 11 June, the exact implementation of the amendment to the ordinance will be submitted for consultation. The decision will follow on 18 June.
The first certificates will be issued gradually from 7 June and will be available to the population by the end of June at the latest, when the first measures will be linked to the use of the certificate.
The certificate certifies that a person is either immune to the virus (vaccinated or recovered) or that there is a low probability that they are contagious because they have been tested recently.
Based on AvS/Blanca Burri