Vaccination against COVID-19 will be free of charge for the population
21.12.2020 Local NewsThe Federal Department of Home Affairs (FDHA) has made an amendment to the Ordinance on Nursing Benefits (K ra n kenpf lege -Leist u ngsverordnung, KLV), under which vaccination against Covid-19 is covered by compulsory health insurance (OKP). The Confederation and the cantons also bear part of the vaccination costs.
The vaccine against Covid-19 is an important element in the fight against the pandemic, writes the Federal Council in a press release. The vaccination strategy chosen by the Confederation depends on the characteristics and availability of each vaccine. The main aim of the strategy is to prevent severe cases in particularly vulnerable groups, to ensure the continuity of the health system and to minimise the negative social and economic consequences. The first vaccinations should be administered in the first half of 2021, once Swissmedic will have granted authorization of the vaccine. The Federal Council is not planning to stipulate compulsory vaccination.
The adaptation of the KLV decided by the FDHA provides for the vaccination to be taken over by the OKP. Under the Epidemics Act, costs not covered by the health insurance will be borne by the Confederation and the cantons. The vaccination will therefore be free of charge for the population. “The health insurers will cover the costs of the medical consultation and the vaccine, while the Confederation will bear the costs of transporting and distributing the vaccine to the cantons. The Confederation will also bear the costs exceeding the amount of five francs per vaccine dose.” The effective prices of future vaccines are not yet known. “The cantons will bear the logistical costs on their territory as well as the excess. No franchise will be charged.” The costs to be borne by the health insurers are estimated at approximately CHF 200 to 250m, and those for the Confederation at least the same amount.