Traffic bottlenecks remain until autumn/winter
14.05.2020 Local NewsFrom Zweisimmen, traffic has been regulated by traffic lights since mid-April on the section Wart-Rychestei (location of the restaurant) as part of the overall renewal of the cantonal road. In previous years, various sections were renewed between spring and late autumn.
Start according to plan
The construction work could start punctually after Easter. As confirmed by the Oberingenieurkreis I, the office responsible for the cantonal road works, work could be started despite the extraordinary situation. The construction site was set up between the Rychestei (at the height of the restaurant) and Wart, considering the applicable protective measures.
The retaining walls have to be moved downhill to meet the space requirements of the new road construction. Therefore, the garage building on the restaurant car park as well as the access road to Hängeenbrügg and Simme had to be removed. The Hängeenbrügg-Weg will be rebuilt after completion of the new retaining walls. According to the construction schedule, the access road is expected to be open again by the end of July. The whole section is expected to be completed in December, provided that the onset of winter does not bring about an early end to the works.
As long as work on the Hängelenbrügg road continues, the Simmengrundweg (hiking trail along the banks of the Simme) is closed on weekdays.
Further up the road towards Saanenmöser, traffic is regulated by a second set of traffic lights to allow for the renovation of the uphill retaining walls. This work should be completed in late summer.
More lights towards Pillon
When leaving the Saanenland in the direction of Pillon/Les Diablerets, drivers also have to pass a construction site with a traffic light in the Grund area. The culvert in the Cheserymatte area has to be replaced.
Based on AvS/Jenny Sterchi