Appeal to the public

  19.03.2020 Coronavirus

The president of the Swiss Confederation, Simonetta Sommaruga, has has called on the public: "Now an effort must go through our country." This effort must also be felt here in the Saanenland! We therefore urgently call on all residents and guests of the Saanenland to follow the recommendations of the Federal Office of Public Health.

Keep your distance, wash your hands...
In order for us to stop the spread of the infection and relieve the health facilities, the following instructions must be strictly followed: We keep our distance. This means that we avoid large gatherings of people and keep a distance of at least two metres when shopping, at work, during breaks and in private. Only in this way can we protect ourselves, the shop assistants and our family members.

If we wash our hands regularly and thoroughly, we interrupt the chain of infection. That is why we recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly before preparing your meal, before eating, after returning home, after blowing your nose, and so on.

Further precautions are: We will refrain from shaking hands until further notice. We sneeze and cough into the elbows. In case of symptoms such as fever, cough or breathing difficulties, we stay at home and undergo self-isolation.
Members of the risk groups avoid public transport and cycle or walk to work.

In order not to exhaust the capacities of the medical profession, we only go to the doctor in urgent cases. This only by prior appointment by telephone.

We show solidarity
We can only overcome this crisis together. That is why we are helping each other by following the instructions of the Confederation and by relieving the risk groups with errands. We thank the population and the guests for their great commitment

Erich von Siebenthal, National Councilor
Hans Schär, Cantonal Councilor
Toni von Grünigen, Mayor

Protect yourself and others, the measures advocated by the Federal Office of Public Health


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