Saanenland Scores at BEA
28.05.2018 TraditionsThe Saanenland did well, with two local cows earning podium places. In Category 6 (Swiss Fleckvieh, First Lactation), it was once again Anjou Anita from Ferdinand Bergmann, Abländschen, that seduced the judges.With a harmonious figure and best udder, she earned a well-deserved 2nd place.
Category 10 (Simmental, Second lactation) held four Saanenland cows. Third place was won by Franz Marina from Jakob and Jonathan Trachsel, Feutersoey, who boasted a well-proportioned body.
Representing the Obersimmental was Miss BEA award-winning Swiss Fleckvieh Pierolet Suleika from Andrea and Urs Perrren of St. Stephan.